We’re Changing the Way the World Thinks About Solar

Our address:
Dallas, Texas 75201
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
With H&M Solar Solutions

Reduce your
electricity bills

Solar energy can Instantly save you hundreds on your energy bills with no upfront cost or hidden fees.


Company Overview

This company was started to change the solar industry. We have watched how other companies used high pressure sales, miscalculated proposals that cost thousands to the homeowner, and just presented straight up misinformation. We then made a commitment to always put homeowners first by giving them honest feedback and transparent pricing while giving them peace of mind about the future. We aim to reduce your monthly electricity bills and to also create green energy for generations to come.

Solar Is The Future Of Energy

It is the the most abundant energy source on Earth

Up To 50% savings

You could see savings instantly with no upfront cost


What We Offer You

Green Energy

Solar is not only the most abundant source of energy but it is also the cleanest and less than 4% of the country is taking advantage of it.

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Lower Energy Costs

You are already giving your money to the utility company who is then using your money to build solar fields and charging you more each year while their costs go down. Switching to solar will save you from that forever growing energy cost.

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Solar Maintenance

On the rare occasion that maintenance is needed, our team of experts have the fastest response time and provide the most successful results.

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We take pride in ensuring each and every one of our consultants are trained at a higher level than any other company to guide our customers into making the most informed decisions to protect their future.

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Post Consultation

once you have made the choice to take control of your energy source by switching to solar, our team provides you with continuous support. Our professionals are always available to provide you with a post-consultation before solar panels may be turned on. Your investment in sustainable, clean, and renewable solar.

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Solar Installation

Our network of certified installers not only go through more training than any other company but also every customer receives a survey after installation to ensure they meet a very high customer satisfaction.

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Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!

our work process

No pressure Consultation

Our consultations are designed to make our customers comfortable about choosing to go solar.

Fast Easy Installation

Relax and enjoy the stress free installation as we have the fastest and easiest installation process

low maintenance

Solar provides the lowest maintenance and most reliable energy source

Continued Monitoring Service

Continued remote monitoring of your solar to ensure everything is working perfectly and meeting our customers needs.

Sustainable & Affordable Energy!

Why choose us?

Providing Value To Our Clients Through Ongoing Product Updates And Everlasting Innovation.

Energy Saving

Everyday the sun provides us with abundance of free energy by solar

Energy Solution

Everyday the sun provides us with abundance of free energy by solar

Up To 50% savings

Everyday the sun provides us with abundance of free energy by solar

Certified Engineers

Everyday the sun provides us with abundance of free energy by solar

ECO System Energy

Everyday the sun provides us with abundance of free energy by solar

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